Thursday, August 9, 2012

Save the garbage!

    Save the garbage, save the planet!

     Don't throw things away, instead follow these watch words for eco-friendly reduction of waste: reuse, repurpose, recycle and reduce.  Second to conserving water is disposing of garbage! We throw far too much into the garbage. The first thing you can do to reduce your garbage is start composting! The easiest way to do this is to get a compost tumbler. These units produce excellent compost, are easy to use and can be tucked out of sight into a corner of your garden. You can hide one behind an attractive fence or camouflage it with some pretty plants.
    The unit needs very little work and you only need to tumble it every few days. It devours all your kitchen scraps and doesn't emit an unappealing odor. If, in addition, you throw in some nice fat worms you'll shortly have a wonderful supply of these helpful animals to make your garden grow and thrive! Worms are available at your local bait shop and many nurseries carry them as well as various, beneficial insects 
    I've been using a compost tumbler in my roof garden for ten years and I love it! It produces the most nutrient rich, sweet smelling compost without any trouble! Advertising hyperbole says it produces within 14 days, but that could only be possible, if you added ALL your scraps in one batch! As I add my scraps day by day 14 days would only apply from the last day I added scraps. After all, it's a continuing process!

    In case you want to shop around and get a different tumbler here is an article by Mother Earth News about their research into a variety of tumblers.

    Solid waste or garbage is increasingly a problem for all societies. Finding space for the growing trash heaps we create is not the greatest problem. That worst problem lies in the greenhouse gas methane that is released as biodegradable waste degenerates. This gas traps heat and is linked to global warming. In addition nitrous oxide is released during waste transportation.  Local water supplies become contaminated by harmful chemicals leaching into the ground from decomposing trash. Cancer causing carcinogens are produced by old incinerators.
    Never burn trash! The smoke and ash from burning items like polystyrene, dyed paper, bleach and pressure treated wood contains harmful toxins.  According to figures from the EPA only 10 pounds of burning back yard trash can produce as much pollution as a commercial incinerator burning 400,000 pounds of trash.
     So you see, reducing your trash is one of the most useful things you can do to protect the environment. If you are fortunate enough to have a garbage recycling service as I do in San Francisco use it assiduously! Always put cans, bottles and paper into the correct container, put decomposable waste into the compost container and as little other trash as possible into the garbage container. Stop using plastic and paper shopping bags and start using canvas and other reusable bags. It won't take long to remember to take your bag along when you go shopping. Reuse the plastic bags for vegetables or, even better, get some cotton sacks and use them instead. Use cloth napkins and save the trees needed to make paper napkins and towels. Remember: the paper industry has encouraged paper use so they can increase their profits and all the reasons their ads trot out are unfounded. There's nothing better about using paper besides the money you pay for these products, which doesn't help you at all!
    There is so much to say on this subject that I could continue for days! I will save more for future posts and let you get started! It only takes a little time to lose old habits and start reducing your garbage. As time goes by you will think of more and more ways to do this! Get your whole family involved! Children love to learn and will help with the new way of doing things! Soon they'll be reminding you of the new approach to garbage in your household!

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